謝謝!THE SEARCH FOR ADAM'S ANCESTORSElaine G. KennedyGeoscience Research InstituteDialogue 8(1):12-15
34 (1996). --- Reproduced here with permission and the accompanying acknowledgements at the end
after being modified. Evolutionary biologists are convinced that humans are descendants of ape-like creatures. In spite of a number of disputes over theories of ape-human lineages
paleoanthropologists concur. Christian response to these assertions has been varied. Some Christian organizations agree with the scientific community about the origin of humans but maintain that at some time in the past human beings acquired an immortal soul
moral sense
and/or the ability to reason. Others
including Seventh-day Adventists
accept the Genesis account as the record of a historical event. Where did Adam come from? Was he fashioned from the dust of the ground by an intelligent Creator
or did he descend from an ape-like creature? We know what the Bible says. Does the